Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Target Iran?

According to an investigative report by Seymour Hersh, “Shifting Targets, published in the New Yorker, the Bush administration is preparing surgical military operations against Iran. As Hersh sees it, Bush/Cheney (rather than admit their own ineptness) have decided to blame Iran for the lack of progress in Iraq. And they are determined to hit Iran hard in order to dissuade Iran from seeking to extend its influence in Iraq.

Hersh makes it clear that the U.S. is already a proxy war against Iran in Iraq. Further, Bush & Cheney believe that a combination of air power and Special Forces ground operations could decapitate and discredit the most radical elements in the Republican Guard. Unfortunately, the same wishful-thinking (and the failure to imagine the worst-case scenarios) that characterized the fiasco in Iraq are being repeated in the run up to a confrontation with Iran. The Bush administration never talks about the lessons of Iraq, which is why they seem destined to repeat their errors on an even grander scale.

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